faqs - all about the submission
According to the number of all member countries participating in the Constantinus International Award, the number of projects that may be nominated has been fixed at a maximum of three.
Applications will be submitted online via an application tool on the website of Constantinus International Award. This tool will be ready for registration of participants from April 8th, 2024. From this moment on, national nominees may register and fill in the application form online. The application period ends on June 28th, 2024. The language of application will be English.
Each participating institute/country has the right to appoint up to two jury members. We will be happy to receive your suggestions. For registration, please provide name and mail address to Constantinus International Award Office (office@constantinus.net). Jury members will receive the access data for their online evaluation per mail. Additionally, we would like to stress clearly the importance of jury members who have a reputation as consultants or are in a decision making position in a company that might represent a possible client.
There will be one single gold medalist and two silver medalists. Being nominated is already a great honour. We also will characterise one National Champion per participating country.
The application fee amounts to € 1.000,- excl. VAT per participating country and covers organizational costs (e.g. website, first level support through the Constantinus Office etc.). Therefore, the invoice will be sent by Constantinus Office, when the submission phase is over. There are no further obligatory costs. However, we strongly recommend the IMCs to have some marketing resources and plans accompanying the award.
An international jury of experts with representatives from all nations nominates the most outstanding projects, from which two Silver Medals and one Gold Medal are selected. The best-rated project from each participating nation is awarded the title of National Champion. The jury will be composed out of international experts in the field of management consultancy as well as of prominent representatives of successful businesses. Each participating country has the right to name up to two members for the jury. The evaluation phase runs July 8 through August 16.