Wall of Fame

Congratulations to all winners and nominees!

Wall of Fame 2012

Welcome on the Wall of Fame of Constantinus International Award 2012.
Here you may find all the nominees and medalists of the award.

Gold medal

Company: Creuna
Project: Trafikanten. Designing Trafikanten's portal for all platforms, web and mobile
Client: Trafikanten AS (now a part of Ruter AS)
Country: Norway

Silver medal

Company: Square Peg International
Project: Launching Avios - Square Peg's support for the transition of Airmilesto Avios
Client: Avios
Country: Great Britain

Silver medal

Company: Gender consulting
Project: Gender balance
Country: Norway

Silver medal

Company: more&g e-Health GmbH
Project: Guideline based cancer follow-up in the 21st century: A softwaresupported approach
Client: Danube Clinics Tulln, Public Community Hospital
Country: Austria

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